Meet Stacey, the Regional Vice President of Arbonne International

Get to know our Customer of the Week, Stacey Molli!

THE/STUDIO: Introduce yourself. Tell our readers a little bit about who you are!

Stacey: My name is Stacey Molli, I’m a mother of two and a business owner with a beautiful company called Arbonne. I love to play tennis, cook meals for my family and friends, travel and most of all—help other people transform themselves through our incredible products and the dynamic business opportunity.

THE/STUDIO: It’s very nice to meet you Stacey! What does your business do?

Stacy: Arbonne is a highly regarded premium brand with a Swiss heritage. We are a 35 year old green company with products that are botanically based, inspired by nature and pure, safe and beneficial. We have over 400 personal care products for men, women and children including skincare, nutrition, bath and body, hair, and cosmetics. All vegan certified, gluten free, non GMO, Kosher and without the no-no ingredients.

THE/STUDIO: I love that, “without the no-no ingredients”. That’s great! I would love to try some of your products! What have you learned since starting your business?

Stacey: My Arbonne experience started by changing my skin, then it changed my life by offering me an opportunity to step outside of my comfort zone and step into committed leadership to empower others to do the same. I learned that previously I was not living to my full potential working for someone else’s dream. Through my own business, I am closer to becoming the person I was designed to be— still a work in progress!

THE/STUDIO: That’s wonderful! What about your business are you most proud of?

Stacey: I have been building a business for over 9 years. In that time I have become one of the top personal salespeople in the company and grown to become a leader who inspires others to live a life by design, versus living by someone else’s terms. I have replaced my corporate 6 figure income and work a fraction of the time through the creation of residual income and time leveraging. I have earned 9 5 star vacations, 2 white Mercedes Benz cars, lots of Tiffany jewelry but the best part is that I got my life back!

THE/STUDIO: Wow! I am sold! Where can I sign up? haha. What are some of the greatest challenges you face with your business?

Stacey: The greatest challenge with a business like mine is finding like minded people who want to lock arms and become independent business owners. The products are the easy part! Once you try them, you must have them! My feeling has always been that our business is the greatest product—it changes lives!

THE/STUDIO: Where do you see your business in 10 years?

Stacey: My vision for my business is large and crystal clear. Currently Arbonne operates in the following countries: US, UK, Canada, Australia, and just recently Poland! We are a 35 opportunity and only have 1% brand awareness and MASSIVE room for growth in all countries. My vision is to expand my business tremendously in ALL countries. We will be opening in Taiwan in 2016 and eventually will become a household name, globally. Right now we are ground floor Google—so the opportunity is amazing for those who are entrepreneurial and want something more for their lives.

THE/STUDIO: What type of legacy do you want to leave?

Stacey: Arbonne’s goal is the be the biggest direct sales company that gives back. The legacy I wish to leave is to transform lives, give back and leave the earth better than I found it for generations to come.

THE/STUDIO: What is the story behind the custom product that you produced with THE/STUDIO?

Stacey: Arbonne business owners are PASSIONATE people! I am so in love with my business that I wanted to proudly display a patch of the Arbonne logo on one of my favorite handbags as a conversation starter. I also wanted to use the image of the patch for promotional materials for the future.

THE/STUDIO: How are you going to use this custom product?

Stacey: Initially for my personal business and materials but plan to role it out as an incentive to my other business partners.

THE/STUDIO: Do you have any promotions you would like to offer our community?

Stacey: Yes! I have 40% off various skincare and nutrition packages. I can be contacted through my website:

THE/STUDIO: Do you have any upcoming events that our community members can attend?

Stacey: We always have events through the 5 countries I mentioned but it begins with a personal conversation with me through Skype or Google Plus. I have a great video that I love to begin the conversation that brings our culture to life.

THE/STUDIO: Is your business involved in any charities? If so, is there anything our community members can do to help?

Stacey: Arbonne does have a charity element called “ARBONNE ANGELS” We provide grants to the ground leaders to transform the lives of at risk youth via various events, usually resulting in higher self esteem of the troubled teen. It’s a beautiful thing.

Stacey: I am passionate about helping others get started in this business! Right now I am especially looking to help build in Poland, Australia and the UK—although I am ALWAYS interested in Canada and US business! If you have contacts in any of the 5 countries, or even Taiwan, I want to talk with you! I could just change your life.

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