How To Iron a Patch on Jeans

Since the phenomenon that grew in the 60s and 70s during the peace and love movement, patches have become more than a fashion piece; they’re a statement. Be that of politics, protests, or an individual’s unique taste.

Jeans are trendy items of clothing to iron a patch onto. Their base color means a patch will stand out, and there’s plenty of space to play with. Also, as you wear your jeans over time, patches are an excellent tool for covering general wear and tear while making a fun statement.

Iron-on designs are an easy solution, so let’s dive into how to do it!

Patching Your Jeans With an Iron-on Patch

Step 1: Create Your Iron-on Patch

The first step, arguably the most fun, is all about getting creative and allowing your unique taste to shine. Thanks to materials like flock vinyl, it’s easier to be more creative when it comes to iron-on patches. At THE/STUDIO, you can craft an exciting design for your iron-on patches with the help of expert designers.

It doesn’t matter if you’re in a cafe and you draw a design on the back of a napkin or if you’ve been working on it for weeks; no matter where inspiration strikes, designers will help to perfect your design!

Iron-on patches are the perfect companions to materials such as polyester and cotton. However, avoiding iron-on patches with silk, nylon, or rayon is best.

Step 2: Cut the Patch

Ever since patches became a fashion item, they’ve remained relevant today, with Harry Styles fans buying watermelon iron-on patches for his ‘Love on Tour’ sell-out shows as a sign of unity, fun, and adoration for the singer. So how you cut your patch is crucial to ensuring it effectively goes onto your clothes and keeps that celebration of identity visible.

You can be unique with how you cut your patch, but always make the corners slightly round. Why? To avoid peeling.

It’s also a good idea to avoid designs that have sharp corners as these are likely to be cut with sharp corners, which encourages peeling over time, reducing the lifespan of your patch. If ironing onto jeans to cover a ripped area, it’s best to reinforce the area by sewing it before applying the patches to avoid wardrobe malfunctions.

Step 3: Set Up Your Work Space and Ironing Board

Remember that iron-on patches must be applied to your material at the appropriate time and heat setting required. For example, a cotton fabric iron-on patch needs the highest heat setting.

Lay the fabric that you wish to iron onto the ironing board. If ironing onto jeans, insert a pressing cloth inside the pant leg to prevent the fusible web on the back of the patch from connecting with the back of the pants. A cotton pillowcase or damp towel will work well as a pressing cloth.

It’s also worth adding a pressing cloth to avoid the same issue when working with other clothing items.

Step 4: Apply The Heat

Could you check that your jeans, or other clothing items, have no wrinkles or creases in the material before applying the iron directly onto the patch? You want to ensure that your patch is in the perfect position, so you could measure with a measuring tape beforehand and then double-check before applying heat. Before adding the heat, please also ensure you have a thin cloth over the iron-on patch to protect the fabric from the heat.

Then you can press the hot iron onto the patch while keeping the instructed pressing time in mind. Most patches require pressing for about 30 seconds, but always check your individual patch’s instructions. Once completed and attached to your clothes, it’s time to remove the iron.

Step 5: Applying Iron-on Appliqués

After you’ve completed your iron-on patches process, you may want to apply iron-on appliqués. If you think the iron-on patches of the 60s and 70s have come a long way, appliqués date back to the ancient Egyptians. You can apply these embroidered fabrics to clothing or other materials.

Great for kids and adults alike, if you choose to iron on an appliqué to jeans, you must pre-warm them with an iron. Then, get a thin cotton cloth and position it above the appliqué. Hold the iron over it for 20 seconds to attach it into place.

Step 6: Heat the Back of the Patch

For patches and appliqués, turn your jeans inside out and then heat where the reserve of the patch and appliqué is. Apply the heat of the iron for approximately 30 seconds until completely set. If using patches and appliqués to cover tears, it’s likely that inside-out, you’ll still see these on the jeans. However, once turned the right way out again, you’ll only see the patches and appliqués.

Other Ways To Attach Patches to Jeans

Embroidered Patches

Not all patches are the same, and you may be wondering how to apply your embroidered patch to a pair of jeans or an item of clothing. Luckily, at THE/STUDIO, you can make your embroidered patch an iron-on one, allowing you to iron on or sew it on.

Typically, sewing suits embroidered patches as they tend to be thicker, and any adhesive may wash away after several washes. So sewing will help keep them in place for longer.

Velcro Patches

Also available from THE/STUDIO, velcro patches are a great alternative to iron-on or sewing-on patches. First, you’ll want to attach the sticky side of the velcro tape to the garment (where you’d like the patch to go). Once completed, you can attach the velcro patch to the velcro tape.

Frequently Asked Questions

How Well Do Iron-on Patches Stay On Jeans?

When thinking about how long iron-on patches last, it’s about how well you’ve attached them, the quality of the patch, and the type of patches. With THE/STUDIO’s iron-on patches, you can expect the patches to stay well connected for an average of 25 washes before showing signs of loosening.

Why Is My Iron-on Patch Not Sticking To My Jeans?

You may have yet to use a good-quality patch or follow the attaching process. Discover how to iron on custom patches by following the patch’s instructions to the letter, including the correct heat settings and durations.

Final Thoughts

Iron-on patches are a fashion asset, which is a fun addition to your jeans, whether you fancy spicing up your wardrobe or going to a concert and want to jump on the hype of the tour. Whatever the reason, it’s always best to buy top-quality custom iron-on patches found at THE/STUDIO, where you can make your design one of a kind!

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