Embroidered Motorcycle Patches Ensure You Hit the Road With Pride

An old biker adage says, “You don’t stop riding when you get old, you get old when you stop riding.” The thrill of adventure makes bikers, motorcycle clubs, associations, and even e-store enthusiasts think about the open road. But, you can’t get there respectably without the right gear, jacket, and custom apparel. That’s why custom embroidered motorcycle patches are so important. How do you find a custom designer that will make patches large enough for the back of leather jackets? The fact is, they aren’t always easy to find!

Whether you’re looking for one large jacket patch for the back of your club’s jackets or a full collection of custom patches for biker bags, hats, vests, and other gear, you should be able to find a custom designer with an on-demand system for ordering. That partner should offer a full array of custom patches — large or small — with a variety of shapes, materials, backings, and even threading options.

Without such customization, a patch is just a patch. But, a truly inspired motorcycle patch drives home a message of pride and a readiness for adventure. Here are some ways to wear biker patches, as well as special customization options that only a quality custom designer can provide.

Ways to Wear Embroidered Motorcycle Patches

From a large biker patch on the back of leather or jean jackets to a series of patches on vests or caps, embroidered motorcycle patches offer numerous ways to wear and display them as a part of an organization, biker club, or online shop apparel offering. Here are just a few of the ways you might want to consider wearing custom patches:


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Custom Jacket Patches

Jacket patches are the most popular option, and there are a number of ways that groups chose to display them. For example, one large patch or a set of two patches with one in the center and the other on the top or bottom of the back of jackets is a traditional look.

Some groups want a full 3-piece patch set that includes two on the back of the jacket and one or more proudly displayed on the front.

A Variety of Vest Patches

Vest patches give bikers the ability to personalize their attire. From wearing a few club patches on the front or back of the vest to wearing a large vertical or horizontal patch on the heart, vests are a great opportunity for bikers to carry a special sense of pride in being a part of an elite group.

State or Regional Club Patches

You may require state or regional club embroidered motorcycle patches customized to include a state or chapter name in the patch design. These are especially common if you participate in a lot of rallies or other events.

Patches for Bags and Gear

Patches for motorcycle travel bags, hats, and gear often require special adhesives or magnetic attachments. There’s a whole host of possibilities for these when you work with a custom designer.

Motorcycle Patch Customization Options

From embroidery coverage to selecting just the right size and edging, here are the customization options that a quality manufacturer will offer:

• Embroidery Coverage — The thread coverage of your embroidered motorcycle patch depends on how extensive you want the coverage to be. You should be able to choose from:

• 50 to 75% coverage for text-only or basic designs

• 100% coverage, which includes greater depth for your patch and a better color match for your ideal image or logo

• Low Minimum Order Quantities (MOQs) at Lower-Per Unit Pricing — Orders should be available in lower MOQs — even as small as 100 or 200. And, your per-unit pricing should be affordable

• A Variety of Backing Selections — Different backing options are important to consider for a variety of groups and situations. This especially important if you’re running an e-store and need to extend more than one backing possibility to buyers. Backing options include:

• Iron-on. Simple iron-on patches offer a special touch for nameplates, club details, and even for patriotic emblems like flags or eagles

• No Backing. Great for sew-on application of patches and for reflective rockers that can be placed above or at the bottom of your jacket or vest seam

• Velcro Hook Backing with Adhesive or Loop Application. Attached by an adhesive backing, this option works well for adhering to leather

• Velcro Hook Backing with an Edge Stitch. This type of backing is helpful patches that may need to be swapped out or changed more often

• Thin Plastic Backing. Offers more structure and protection for new club riders seeking patches with greater endurance

• Adhesive Backing. This a temporary solution for peeling and applying that’s special events like rallies or charity events

• Pin or Magnetic Batching. Attached via a pin or magnet for quick use and transferability for badge plates and more

• Many Base Material Choices — Your selections should include a full range of material options including basic polyester blend twill, felt, black ballistic nylon, camouflage, and reflective. Material makes all the difference in sharing your freedom mission, whether it be a message of rugged endurance or an eagle in flight

• A Full Selection of Borders and Edges — From an embroidered to a merrowed border, you should have the full range of possibilities available to you

• Premium Thread Options — Because your motorcycle club or shop is of premium quality, you’ll need threading options that reflect this. A full variety of thread colors, metallics, puff embroidery are all options your bikers should be able to choose from

You may even want 12 or more thread colors or a larger-sized patch, which means that you need a custom designer who can deliver sizes anywhere from 2 to 12 inches for your custom patches. That’s why not just any vendor will work, as some will severely limit your color and sizing options.

Working with a Custom Designer

Not every patch provider offers the quality, size, and customization options required to manifest the powerful images and symbols of your club or group into actual wearable motorcycle patches, but THE/STUDIO provides all of these important options and more.

THE/STUDIO can create everything from small patches for hats to large patches for the backs of jackets, while providing a wide array of material, backing, and other options, even in low MOQs with lower per-unit pricing — not to mention free shipping. When you’re seeking the thrill of adventure and considering the contract manufacturing of custom biker accessories, imagine being on the open road. There’s nothing better than embroidered motorcycle patches to ensure pride and allegiance for your bikers and clubs.

THE/STUDIOis a custom embroidered motorcycle patches designer that enables creators to design custom biker patches more quickly and efficiently. If you’re interested in creating custom patches for your club, e-store, or organization,contact usorcreate your product today

Image Credit | David Pereiras | Shutterstock

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